Let's Talk About AI
Dr Marcus Lo
Editor-in-Chief, HKSEMS
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is here, and it's making a big impact. Now in the Hospital Authority, we use AI tools every day to check X-rays and CT scans. Soon, we'll use them to help do the triage and make medical decisions.
We want AI to help us, but sometimes, we feel like it's leading us. When the AI highlights something it thinks is wrong, we get scared it might be right and know better than us. Sometimes, we end up trusting the AI more than our own judgment.
AI is called "intelligence" not because it's smarter than human, but because it learns like one. Let's think of our new AI tools as new doctors. Imagine one of them is called "Annie".
How much do you know about Annie? Where did she come from, and how was she trained? Do you know if Annie was taught the right things by her creator and developer?
Annie shows us things she found unusual on X-rays. How well do you think she does? Are her findings accurate? Is she careful not missing anything, or do you think she is overalert?
Another AI trainee, "Brian", shows us his findings from CT scans of the brain. Who do you think does better? If you were in charge, how would you employ them in the A&E to help patients?
We are afraid that AI outsmart us. Fear is normal when we face something new. But when we're scared, we can make bad choices. How can we overcome our fear? I think engagement is the key. Just like we learn everything about medicine in school and become a doctor, we need to learn about AI too. We should know how it works, what it's good at, and what it can't do. Then, we can use it well in our work.
The HKSEMS Newsletter team embraces AI. We use it to help proofread and edit our articles. We also use AI to create illustrations for our newsletter. We promise to keep up with new technology for you.